Call Us: (305) 733-0673
Central FL: (407) 913-5514

Diagnostics Prior to Esophagogram

  • CBC- unremarkable
  • Chemistry panel- unremarkable
  • Abdominal radiographs- possible partial duodenal obstruction.
  • Abdominal CT scan- normal; no evidence of obstruction noted

Fluoroscopy is a very useful tool in our diagnostic armament. Until recently it wasn’t readily available but now through MPI it can be done in your practice and it’s very affordable. Fluoroscopy is used to diagnosed problems such as the one presented here (GERD), but it plays an important role in other esophageal problems such as PRAA, strictures and evaluating the swallow reflex, among others. In addition it can be used to diagnose tracheal collapse, evaluate the urethra and urinary bladder (retrograde urethrocystogram) and evaluate lesions with draining tracts (fistulograms).